3C: Herbwork

Spend some time thinking and journaling.

Community Herbalism is a new concept taking root at the moment. It is about herbalism within a community context. While I spend a lot of time studying the plants, I also think it’s important to spend time thinking about the communities I live in and how I could help them to thrive.

I would like to invite you to reflect on your community and your connections. What motivates you as an herbalist? What meaning does the practice of herbal medicine bring to your life? Where can you look to cultivate the connections that are such a huge part of good medicine? We aren’t just herbalists, we are explorers, philosophers and community members.

Your journaling can be through poetry or drawings, mind-maps or prose. There is no right or wrong here. Just do whatever allows you to really explore the material and connect the dots for yourself. This is for you, for your development as an herbalist, as a human, as a friend and as a healer.

Learn about where you live and your herbal roots

What is the history of the land where you live?
What herbal traditions do you connect with?
What themes do you find resonate with you?
What are your herbal perspectives?
How can you dive deeper into an herbal tradition that speaks to you?
How can you better understand the culture that herbal tradition is a part of?